воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Ha, just over a year and a half later...

Well, City, itapos;s been a good run, but it looks like Iapos;m finally going home for good. At least as far as this version of me will remember

Ananova Again, Iapos;m so sorry I couldnapos;t stay for the wedding, but donapos;t let that put a damper on your day when it finally gets here As far as anybodyapos;s concerned, Iapos;m still giving you away in spirit (And keeping an eye on her after I do, Harry, so remember that.) Have a fantastic life here, and thank you

Matter of fact, EVERYONE I hope you have a great stay here in the City Sure the curses can be a real drag, but this place can give you things you never thought youapos;d have Never stop walking forward To everyone Iapos;ve met here, thank you

Oi, Livio, Iapos;ll see you back home


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Em comes home tomorroww (:
Iapos;m so excited to see her, even if sheapos;ll probably be a moody git tomorrow evening (:
Eurrgh, Iapos;m so irritable and I have no idea why. I just had a go at my mum for no reason. Ahh, I piss myself off lol.
And I just finished breaking dawn. Itapos;s amaazzing, but it made me sad that iapos;ve finished it. I read the first half, then skipped forward a few chapters and it just seemed really tacky and a bit crap, but then I read the middle chapters and it didnapos;t seem nearly as bad. Itapos;s actually proper good. Obviously, not as good as Twilight but its still pretty awesome (:
I entered this thing, NaNoWriMo the other day. Itapos;s where you have to write a novel in a month. 50 000 words I think. That could be fun seeing my track record. I generally start writing something then get bored after a couple of pages. And even what I do writeapos;s generally a load of bollocks haha.
So iapos;ll content myself with listening to Paramore and trying to find new music for the next couple of hours then possibly get down to some work later. I donapos;t have much this week though, well good.
I canapos;t even think of anything to write, so maybe iapos;ll leave it for now (:

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Amidst consolidating 2 disgusting papers for research and advertising, i went to see if i could drop my 2nd major. And it tells me i just need 1 more nm module. I could just do cybercrime and be done with nm forever. And graduate with my friends. I canapos;t explain how much i hate the comms department in my school. Whenever i think about what iapos;m doing, i want to cry. Argh.

ok isaac. Just get on with it.

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- I was born in Venice

- I didnapos;t grow up in what one may call great circumstances.

- All of my birth-family but my sisters is gone.

- The first time I managed to get somebody to do something for me by pretending, I was startled how easy it was.

- When I learned that everybody was pretending, I was in my adolescence. Well, not everybody was pretending where I grew up. Maybe thatapos;s why their lives were as they were?

- Iapos;ve been engaged to two different men. I broke my promise to each of them. Even if I did marry one of them in the end.

- Iapos;ve only fallen in love once, and never did fall out of it.

- The days, weeks after my wedding were the absolute worst of my life, even more nightmarish than before it. That, until I first got news of Giacomo being alive and his whereabouts. Or rather, until Grimani did and let it slip where I could hear - I do believe he didnapos;t mean me to.

- I never aimed for being happy, when I was growing up and shaping up my life. I didnapos;t end up happy, either.

- I ended up gaining everything, everything that Iapos;d worked all my childhood, adolescence, and youth to achieve. But not the one thing, the one person, I ever wanted.

Muse: Henriette di Grimani
Fandom: Casanova (2005 BBC)

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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This week weapos;re doing DRABBLES

Drabble: an extremely short work of fiction exactly one hundred words in length, although the term is often misused to indicate a short story of fewer than 1000 words. The purpose of the drabble is brevity and to test the authorapos;s ability to express interesting and meaningful ideas in an extremely confined space. (Definition from Wikipedia)

This weekapos;s drabble prompt: mask

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Tomorrow I have to go and help Anna clean out my old bedroom. I did leave some things in the closet that I once had (some clothes and some old college school books, not too much), possibly some electronics I thought sheapos;d use and a bed frame in which Iapos;ll be giving to my younger Sister one of these days... Apparently, she said it was much more than that - which I find hard to believe. Iapos;m actually scared to see what this is going to look like now that sheapos;s had two plus years to add to it...in her own Anna way... She is not the cleanest person in the world and Iapos;m guessing itapos;ll look like a freaking cyclone hit it. I just want it done so I NEVER have to hear about it again. And that way she canapos;t say anything to me ANYMORE about how I left stuff in the closet. Well, honey...look at the rest of the house...Iapos;m sure itapos;s an improvement over the rest of it...jeez.

Sunday, (Depending on how S feels, he is still sick.) weapos;re supposed to go and visit Sapos;s Brother Randy down in Houston, MN. His Brotherapos;s B-day is next week so he wanted to go and see him and he also wanted me to meet his Brother...heapos;s very excited about that. He always says he wishes I couldapos;ve met his other Brother Doug. - He always says , "He wouldapos;ve liked you, a lot" - His brother passed away almost two years ago. Iapos;m sure some of you know that story. But, I wonapos;t go into that. I think itapos;ll be super fun Love road trips with my S Then, we can head over to Lanesboro on our way back and get some Cherry Chill at the Winery there WOOHOO LOVE IT

Okay, thatapos;s all for now...back to the regularly scheduled programming...called...work...
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McCain, enough already with Joe the Plumber. And to beat a dead horse, the media stalked him, interviewed him on all his political beliefs, hung out on his front lawn and, finally, villified him by saying he wasnapos;t licensed, owed child support, etc. And by doiing so completely missed the point McCain was trying to make, albeit poorly. Then the media got on McCain for not researching Joeapos;s imperfections enough.

It really is infuriating how idiotic the media have become. John Stewart put it best, "Weapos;ve seen more interviews Joe than Sarah Palin."

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Here i am holding onto my on/off relationship with my boyfriend, when really i should just be single for the rest of my life. Why? well...because my dream job isnapos;t really typical. Itapos;s not even a job, really. Itapos;s many jobs.

i want to move to alaska and race sled dogs.
i want to become a paranormal investigator.
i want to be a national park ranger.
i want to live in san francisco or nyc and be a writer.
maybe i can write about racing sled dogs in alaska.
i want to work on a political campaign.
i want to make movies. Or a tv show.
i want to perform on stage.
i want to be a photographer for national geographic.
i want to live in a lighthouse.
i want to live in another country.
i want to run a marathon on every continent.
i want to design clothes, or houses, or parties. Or something.

i donapos;t want to be alone for the rest of my life. But i canapos;t imagine anyone who could keep up with all of those crazy whims. I probably canapos;t keep up with them anyway, migraines allergies all that. Oh well...maybe i can do something.....

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Iapos;m copying what my sweetie wrote
The court hearing was today. It didnapos;t go well, and as a matter of fact, went totally against Johnnaapos;s interest. We have her for the time being, but could very well lose her by the early part of December. Thereapos;s a chance things could still work out for our little happy home, and weapos;ll give it all we have to fight this, but thereapos;s not a whole lot more we can do to prove her living here is in her best interest if the judge is dead set on returning her to New York. More realistically, we might as well enjoy the time remaining.
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